Tsutsumikomu Yō ni...
"Tsutsumikomu Yō ni..." (つつみ込むように…?, lit. "All Wrapped Up...") is the debut single of Japanese R&B singer Misia, released on February 21, 1998. It sold 3,030 (8 cm) and 2,350 (12 cm) copies in its first week but became a long seller and after 16 weeks, it peaked at #11 and #20 respectively.
Because the Oricon charts only started adding up the total for both versions of a single in May 2001, "Tsutsumikomu Yō ni..." could not reach the Top 10. Had both versions been counted as one, the single would have peaked at #8 on its tenth week, as well as remaining in the Top 10 for seven non-consecutive weeks. "Tsutsumikomu Yō ni..." is the only single for which Misia did not contribute lyrics to.
The song was used in an Elleseine cosmetics commercial.
Makidai, now a member of Exile, was one of the backup dancers featured in the music video of "Tsutsumikomu Yō ni...".
Track list
Lyrics |
Music |
1. |
"Tsutsumikomu Yō ni... (Original Mix) (つつみ込むように…?, All Wrapped Up...)" |
Satoshi Shimano |
S. Shimano |
5:47 |
2. |
"Never gonna cry! (Original Mix)" |
Yoshiyuki Murakami, Suzi Kim, Tai |
Hiroshi Matsui |
6:09 |
3. |
"Tsutsumikomu Yō ni... (Original Karaoke) (つつみ込むように… (Original Karaoke)?)" |
S. Shimano |
5:47 |
Lyrics |
Music |
1. |
"Tsutsumikomu Yō ni... (Original Mix) (つつみ込むように…?, All Wrapped Up...)" |
S. Shimano |
S. Shimano |
5:48 |
2. |
"Tsutsumikomu Yō ni... (DJ Watarai Remix: Featuring Muro) (つつみ込むように… (DJ WATARAI REMIX~Featuring MURO)?)" |
S. Shimano, Muro |
S. Shimano |
6:18 |
3. |
"Never gonna cry! (Original Mix)" |
Y. Murakami, S. Kim, Tai |
H. Matsui |
6:09 |
4. |
"Never gonna cry! (Junior Vasquez Remix)" |
Y. Murakami, S. Kim, Tai |
H. Matsui |
11:07 |
5. |
"Never gonna cry! (JV Dub Mix)" |
Y. Murakami, S. Kim, Tai |
H. Matsui |
10:14 |
Oricon Sales Chart (8cm)
Release |
Chart |
Peak Position |
Debut Sales |
Sales Total |
Chart Run |
February 21, 1998 |
Oricon Daily Singles Chart |
408,580 |
27 weeks |
Oricon Weekly Singles Chart |
11 |
3,030 |
Oricon Monthly Singles Chart |
Oricon Yearly Singles Chart |
61 |
Oricon Sales Chart (12cm)
Release |
Chart |
Peak Position |
Debut Sales |
Sales Total |
Chart Run |
February 21, 1998 |
Oricon Daily Singles Chart |
269,280 |
22 weeks |
Oricon Weekly Singles Chart |
20 |
2,350 |
Oricon Monthly Singles Chart |
Oricon Yearly Singles Chart |
89 |
External links